Sunday, 3 May 2015

The unsolvable question...

The notion of learning and knowledge  really amazes me sometimes , its not ‘just’ because it had a huge impact on us humans but the fact that new knowledge is not created by itself but it’s always  a combination of the existing knowledge that creates it. Something similar to the game ‘doodle god’. If anyone has played that game he would know what exactly I am talking about. It’s a game where you are given 4 basic elements (fire, water, air and earth) from which the player has to make new elements and materials. That’s exactly the notion of new knowledge is, based on the existing processes and facts, humans have created new things, they have answered a lot of doubts about life and nature. But here’s the thing, what about the questions that are still not answerable?

What is god? If there is god, where does it exist? It pinches to accept the fact that what if the answers to those questions are not answerable through the existing knowledge and processes. Scientifically Speaking, these answers are not yet put to a closure. We can argue all day long about the different religions which have different answers to these unsolved questions. But the fact is they are not.

It is sometimes discouraging to accept this because our brains demand an answer, that is why we follow religion, to get that mental stability in order to sustain and move forward in life,  which brings me to an interesting notion known as ‘religious stability’. By religious stability I mean and I describe it as a “mental balance of humans that self-answers and self-convinces them about unsolvable questions so that they can move forward and think about other more important things in life”. Its something like this,  as a kid grows up to an adult, he comes up with these questions about god and meaning of life and other (unsolvable) questions ,  their families who already follow some religion inculcates the answers in the kid so as to grow a mental stability among those questions. We as humans have taken an easier way out to these questions because that is not affecting us directly in our day to day life, but because they demand to be answered (one way or the another),we take the path of religion.

PS-: Its a bit short and needs more elaboration but its something to ponder upon.